Blockchain is the buzzword in present economic landscape which according to many business experts shall transform our lives in the near future. Just as the Internet has impacted the world largely in the last two decades and has changed our ways of communication, education, entertainment, business and host of other sectors; blockchain technology has brought in new opportunities and opened new horizons. Recent surveys suggest that majority of the business conglomerates are looking for implementing blockchain technology in their business models to have the competitive advantage in the coming times as it will make their businesses more efficient through better output at lower cost.
Contrary to the popular notion of the masses which identifies blockchain technology with cryptocurrency only; it can be applied to any "asset" that can be stored, distributed or transacted. This technology shall be very useful for property titles, insurance, music, supply chain management, health care, personal data and so on. In short, it will fundamentally change the way we exchange value – with no intermediaries and in real time.

Our Strategy
The convergence of Blockchain, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and many such cutting edge new technologies have the potential to offer exciting new solutions to businesses across the globe. These technological advancements are already tested and validated by the market today. One just needs to ensure appropriate implementation for reaping fruitful returns. At Shreyan, we have a team of experts who have a deep understanding of this technology and the benefits it can bring to the business enterprise.

Proof of Concept
We, at Shreyan, provide Proof of Concept to clients and demonstrate the functionality and feasibility of the theories through implementing Blockchain technology into their business processes. This enables the clients to plan their budget and evaluate the project’s feasibility, thus determining a roadmap for a full-fledged implementation. The chief drivers for implementation of Blockchain technology in business organizations are for speeding up the business processes, ensuring immutability of data, elimination of intermediaries, and etc., all of which is included in the proof of concept.

Solution Development
Shreyan has demonstrated its capability in designing, implementing and supporting Blockchain technology solutions to many clients across the continents. We analyze the user requirements and design the technology around the business model by leveraging the Blockchain technology while producing high quality codes based on the project requirement.
Rental Application on Smart Contract
Blockchain technology can provide secured, cost effective as well as sustainable solution for both landlords as well as tenants. The owner of the property can upload the details of the property along with the desired rent, security, period, terms and etc. on the Ethereum platform. The interested tenant, in turn, can send the offer for the property in the selected template smart contract notes available on the platform.
In case of mutual agreement and deal, payments are made through Ethereum tokens to the landlord by the tenant and the security is kept in escrow account. The contract becomes part of blockchain which can be accessed by both parties at any point in time but cannot be altered. It remains obligatory for both for the duration of contract. The absence of a middle man ensures cost effectiveness and blockchain platform helps in transparency as well as bridging the trust deficit between both the tenant and landlord.
We have successfully developed a Real Estate Rental Application called, "Rent Peacefully," using Ethereum Blockchain platform. For more information, please visit
KYC Utility
Blockchain technology provides robust solutions for the usage and security of personal data. This is usually required by banks, insurance companies, and other financial service providers from their customers and is generally termed as "Know Your Customer". The cost of processing identity management and background verification is fairly significant for organizations, but it can be lowered easily by sharing the cryptographically encoded details in cloud.
The authorization of the customer through its personal private key will only ensure the accessibility of the necessary details to the interested Company or Bank to verify the data. This reduces the burden of repetitive submissions by the client, speeds up the process, reduces cost of customer acquisition and keeps the personal details secured from any unauthorized entities for extraneous use.
Shreyan provides customized KYC services to clients using blockchain technology to reduce operating and compliance cost with better user experience. We are also developing our own KYCAAS, "Know Your Customer As a Service."